Underrated perhaps?
NFS took a shot at a driving sim but still keeping some of the old NFS we used to love.
NFS have been falling behind from Pro-Street to Undercover and while they are known for their street racing and their customizable cars, neither of which are really included in this game. However, this game was pretty good. Maybe even underrated.
It made me think that maybe their is still hope for the NFS series. The cars, tracks, graphics and controls are all spectacular, although i would not recommend completing every tier fully (it will get boring eventually). But it has lost something from the NFS series that still has not been reclaimed since Most Wanted and I still don't know what that is.
This is still definitely the best game since Most Wanted and while it is not good enough to tackle a game like Forza or GT it's still a great game.
Let's move on to the pros. and cons :
Pros :
Great graphics.
Many cars to choose from.
Good tracks and selection.
Nice events.
No confusing storyline (as we've seen in previous games('cough' Undercover 'cough'))
Cons :
Bad soundtracks.
Cars not customizable enough (although i suppose this is a sim... but it's not the same)
Gets boring eventually.
Lacking something else.
This is still a great game and I would reccomend it too anyone with a PS3 because we have to wait until March for Gran Turismo but X-Box gamers have Forza.