Shift Was Never On High Gear

User Rating: 6.5 | Need for Speed: Shift PS3
To be honest, Need For Speed Shift was a disappointment and this franchise really needs to step it up

Presentation: 8.0: I love Electronic Arts and some of their games like Burnout Paradise (which I am still playing today) I have really enjoyed. This game has the look of a driving simulator and it fits the genre well.

Graphics: 9.0: This game looks fantastic and the visuals are almost a contender to Gran Turismo 5 Prologue! Good job EA!

Sound: 8.5: The game sounded pretty solid and the cars sound awesome but the guy speaking to you says the same lines a lot.

Gameplay: 6.0: I got bored shortly because of the same problem with every driving sim. YOU DRIVE! I felt that every time I did an event, it felt like I've done it already.

Lasting Appeal: 3.5: I got so bored of this game so fast, I forgot I even had the game!

Overall: 6.5