Need for Speed brings you around, but usually into a wall!

User Rating: 6.5 | Need for Speed: Shift PSP
The Need For Speed franchise has usually supported car chases, police bust, or stealth missions, but it seems to have taken a new turn in this racing game for the Xbox360, Playstation 3, and the Playstation Portable!
If you like racing, this game will be good for you, but the choppy handling, and cars that seem to go twice as fast as yours, may cause the destruction of your gaming system by you going into a blind rage!

If your looking for a good racing game, I would suggest Need for Speed Undercover, because Need For Speed Shift seems to be all show, and no go!


Also, if your looking for a great action adventure game, try out Socom Confrontation for the ps3, all multiplayer, 8-32 people online!
Check out MAG (Massive Action Game) when it releases January 26th, 2010! Pre-order today at your local GameStop or Electronic Boutique!