Loading is absolutely ridiculous; Graphics unimpressive

User Rating: 5 | Need for Speed: Undercover PC
Undercover most closely resembles NFS Most Wanted which is what attracted me to this variant of NFS. However my problem with Undercover is that the loading is absolutely ridiculous despite the fact that the graphics are not that impressive according to today's standards. Graphics just haven't improved much over previous installments in the series. The motion blur and glare from the sun really distorts the quality of the visuals and many objects/shadows display jagged edges, likely because the anti-aliasing can only be set to a max of 6x. The detail of the scenery isn't all that impressive either. Furthermore, it is often too easy to evade the cops and races are usually short and also very easy. However I do like that each race has a domination goal which adds some challenge to the race and grants various awards. Unfortunately EA only gets a mediocre review for this game as they did with Red Alert 3 and Sim City Societies.