EA just killed the NFS series with this game

User Rating: 6.5 | Need for Speed: Undercover PC
now where do i start, lets start by the story ,the story isnt bad at all its good enough, after all its not max payne, the gameplay on the other hand is disastrous
1- The steering is crap its feels like someone had accidentally wiped the road with butter and oil, its totally unresponsive and if EA was trying to make feel real well they didnt, every times you lose control just kill the gas and the car miraculously returns to the middle of the road...what the...?
2- Soundtracks are even worse than PROstreet's, they are weird mix of alternative rock and a crappy pop or something whatever it is it suck and i totally hate them
3- Nasty bugs and massive glitches prevents you from having fun (if at all!) and the preposterous system requirement aren't exactly the game strongest points
4-Its simply not fun and exiting enough for you to keep playing it , even if it was meant to
looks great, really great, and the cars even better
easy to learn and to master