And now, We say Farewell, to The Need For Speed Franchise, Rest In Peace.

User Rating: 3.5 | Need for Speed: Undercover PC
Now Im not gonna beat around the bush, so Im just gonna say it.
Need For Speed Undercover, has to the most pathetic excuse for a racing game I've ever seen.

Honestly, the Fanchise has been freefalling ever since Need For Speed Carbon.

But as to Where Carbon only had problems with the AI being unbalievably cheap on the Carbon Mountain races, Undercover offers a whole new set of Problems.

First and Formost, the Frame Rate.
Good God Its just Broken To hell and Back.
And Its not my computer, I have a god damn Intel Core Quad with a GeForce 9800GTX 4g's of ram and a #$%* load of free space.
But The framerate STILL keeps dropping up and down, very few times did I see the game run smoothly, most of the time I swear it was going between 10 and 15 frames per second, choopy horrible, and it makes the game virtualy unplayable. AND IM PLAYING ON THE LOWEST QUALITY SETTINGS FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!!!

Second, the AI.
Is EA TRYING to make us all feel stupid? Becouse this is just insane.
I've resorted to CHEATING to try and win races, like Infinit NOS or even that goddamn Max Speed cheat on the trainers, but I still lose to the AI if I as much as bump into a corner and waste 3 seconds.
Even if you're going 400mph, the AI still finds a way to catch you and just wizz right past you.

Now The Graphics.
Let me just say that the cars, look BEAUTIFUL. Nicely detailed, shiny and realistic. Good Job.
Too Bad the Same cant be said about the city.
The City just looks bland and deserted, Good God Hot Pursuit had livelier looking cities than this!

Now The Story.
....Horrible...just...oh my god emberassing...They Tried to Copy Most Wanted's over the top cheesyness, but they failed so hard, I cant watch a single cutscene without twitching and looking away n emberassment, those poor talent deprived actors...

And Now, The Gameplay.
...Bland. Boring. Repetative. Agravating. Irritating. Unpleasant. Not Fun.
Seriously the car handels decently but it feels like Im driving a toy car not a freaking Ford Mustang!
The Races are short yes, but you'll be replaying the same race over and over and over becouse the AI will rarely let you win without you pulling out a f$@ cheating program.
The Whole game feels bland and boring thanks to the depressing liveless city.

Final Thoughts.

If you can get past the game-breaking framerate, the extremely cheap AI, and the Bland and empty City, Rent This game.
Don't buy it, whatever you do, don't waste you're money.
Pro Street Was Better Than This. And You Know Pro Street Sucked @#%!!