Nothing quite like it!

User Rating: 9.3 | Need for Speed Underground 2 XBOX
First off I loved this game I think its excellent. Its a refreshing to have an awesome video game that isn't all shoot em' up and gorey. Don't get me wrong I love first person shooter games, i'm an advid Halo player but its nice everyonce and awhile to put the guns down and waste someone in a race instead of with a rocket launcher. (*possible spoilers beyond this point*) Ok Need For Speed Underground 2 has improved quite a bit from the first Need For Speed Underground. Some of the most noticable improvements would be the free roaming explorer mode and the practically never ending upgrades that have improve alot from the first game, different shops located all around the city, and the outrun races. Some of these improvements are really nice but some can be annoying at times. For example, the shops and races scattered all over the city. It can be really annoying to have to drive to one shop to get a spoiler then go all the way to the other side of the city for some new tires. Thats just one thing that i think can be a Negative about the game but the graphics are awesome, not too highly improved from the first game but definately better than before. The Sound its great, its easy to know when to shift by just plain sound instead of taking ur eyes off the road too look at the speedometer and what not. The sound tracks aren't bad either. Theres a good variety between some rap and rock. Ok i'm just gonna list some pro's and con's that i think were the biggest in the game PRO'S CON'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More visual upgrades........................inconvienient shop locations New race types...................................tracks look alot like nfsu (the first game) Great never seems to play the tracks u like! Sponsers&free cars! can't transfer parts to different cars well those are just a few basics so you can get the idea. In the end though the game is awesome and i think its a game that everyone can love! Even though it has a few short comings it still is a remarkable gaming experance you don't wanna miss!