NFSU2 is a good game, but pretty hard. At first the controls suck, but they get better. Overall this game is a 7.6 to me
User Rating: 7.6 | Need for Speed Underground 2 DS
Nfsu2 is a good game thats just a little bit too hard, well to me. Usually, i take about a day or two to beat a game, sometimes 3, but it took me a good long week and a half to beat this game, which means it was a really hard game. This graphics were better than i expected. The controls sucked at first but then you start to get used to it, and the cars get better also, providing better speed, acceleration, and handling. Sound is also not bad. For example, when you and other cars are in a tunnel, your engines actually sound like thery're in a tunnel. So I would rate this game overall 7.6