Play it for 45 mins, and see if you want to play more of it

User Rating: 7.1 | Need for Speed Underground 2 DS
The DS isn't exactly the racer king the PSP is, but the it does have a fair amount of them. The problem is, all of them are medicore. NFSU 2 has graced every almost known system and it's popularity knows little bounds. NFSU 2 is a fairly accurate port of the console titles, except they weren't too hot either.

The graphics are nice, if a bit dinky. They are not as blocky as the other racers, but it also lacks style. All of the game takes place during the night. The draw distance is also poor, for some reason. The game obviously focused on the cars, which look fine, but lack color. The decals you can draw onto the cars are nice, but after your second decal, you realize you have to UNLOCK the place you put it on. That does not make any sense. Also, the screen they give you sucks. You have your color selection and and delete buttons on the same screen as the patlette, which leads to MAJOR mistakes. They could have mapped it onto buttons (L for delete etc.) but that was a design mistake.

Customization Is very poor, simple body kits. Its a shame that the NFSU2 for XBOX and the PS2 had amazing customization, why couldn't it be transferred to the NDS?

For Now you can play it, or you are interested in a Street Racer game. For a more better racer (that includes Wi-Fi connection) just stick with Mario Kart, or even Ashphalt. Don't get Need for Speed Most Wanted for the DS also, waste of money.