This was not to bad of a game it is a bit over rated and was not all good. It is nice and easy but really unrealistic. The steering is well done and is not hard at all, But the game its self is way too long and that ruins it. There are lots of cars but without the cops it is very very very very unrealistic and just like a normal racing game. The next in the series is much better because there are cops and a much much much better gameplay. The cars in under ground are good and really realistic looking.
Other Helpful Reviews for Need for Speed Underground 2 (Greatest Hits)
This game is great cause It is not that hard it keeps you busy and the car modifications explores creativity to the fullest there is a bunch of things you can do to the cars that car separate your car from anyone elses. ... Read Full Review
I really had fun playing the first Need for Speed Underground, but there were a few things that seemed to be missing in that game. Everything that I wanted to see improved on was improved, and NFSU 2 turned out to be pr... Read Full Review