A bit too snazzy and overinflated in some areas. But a good game underneath all the flash.
Im not sure if the gameplay is the same as in Underground because Ive never played it. The thing I like about this game is the fact that there are no cops. Playing all the other NFS games have gotten a little stale due to the ever-increasing stupidity of the police AI. But with no cops around to worry about, it makes for a really great game. The ability to customize your ride is back, with a ton of choices now. The number of cars has increased, but give me a Corvette and the open road anyday.
The graphics are above what I would expect out of a GameCube. (The graphics actually took a step back in Most Wanted. Read that review if you want to.) The cars arent blocky unless you actually sit close to your tv like a retard. The city setting is well done and the game never lags because of it. The lights blur at high speeds, giving you a sense of tunnel vision. This game is definitely not for people who get seizures.
The sound is impressive. Except for the annoying buzz of the mufflers. God, I hate that sound. The soundtrack is a nice mix of hiphop, rock, and techno.
Ive only borrowed this game so im not sure how long it'll take me to complete it. One thing Im thinking of is that once Im done with it, will I want ot buy it for myself? The answer would be no. Despite how great it may be, its still just a street racing game. If I wanted to see street racing, I would go out on the town day or night to see these stupid teenagers do that.
Maybe Im too lenient and Im scoring this game way too high. Or maybe it desrves it. Whichever the case is, its a good game. Even though the original NFS formula has been lost, it brings something new to the table.