cool game

User Rating: 9.6 | Need for Speed Underground 2 (Greatest Hits) PS2
this game is a pretty cool game it got me hooked on it even thoguh im not a racing video game person. you have a story line wtih the game. you get millions and i mean millions of differetn car accessories to choose from like i have a green light under my car. theirs also different types of cool differnt cars that you can give paint jobs. so u have street races and drag races and other differetn races that really arent all races , you can also do a fun race that u can flash your lights to another car and have a race or they can do it to you and if you flash it back then your set to go. then you get to make your magaczine covers its so sool you drive do a move and snap in the middle of the move accept that one or decline it .