WOW sick awsome sweet period...the whole makin the car part is but the whole racing could be better but still good enuff

User Rating: 8.4 | Need for Speed Underground 2 XBOX
Gameplay: OK the whole creating a car is AMAZING period none better I have seen ever its amazing and so nicly done all of its done in a street racing style so your not going to high class auto parts or anything its all underground and all sweet. If you want to create that dream car wait those dream cars cuz your not gonna create one only your gonna love this game. The racing well lets see its good not the greatest but average non the less its nice underground racing with drags very fun I like the most, point A to point B races those are fun, drifts I'm really good with this mode sliding cars around each conrer, and races around a track. Overall the games gameplay was average I have played better cough cough burnout 3 but still the whole making my car perfect and boosting down the street is sweet. Grpahics: I was wrong when I judge this game by its screens I saw, it didn't look great but when I played it it really does do a good job overall there great and you won't see no project gotham racing 2 graphics but graphics which fit the game perfectly everthing looks nice in boost mode to the city, o and the city is very big too. Sound: Hmmm ok no custume soundtrack 1 negative that would of rocked but ok the soundtrack in this game I liked thank good cuz burnout 3 didn't have a good one but it had custume at least. But I really enjoyed the sound in this game I enjoyed many of the songs and the cars sounds are great nothing wrong here a solid 9. Value: Hmmm ok online which is fun but the whole creating you car I spend hours just there and the single play well thers not much of a story its just races races and more races with like 5 cut scenes really no story so yea its ok but kinda sketchy. About 25h of gameplay here for single player but the mods and stuff should keep you busy. Overall: This game meet my standers and really loved the moding a car part its a good racer nothing special tho but online creating you own cars and dragin down the streets well thats enough for me I LIKE I LIKE. Note: This game has one sick nagivation system you can point anywere on the map and it takes you there fast very fast best I seen ever and its a very big map too.