Good but so anoying!!!
Then when that is settled its just like every other racing game bring you to your "campaign" and get to to the top. Like other games too, you will have to chose a very bad car at first and you don't get to unlock upgrades until you do your first tournament. And the worst part is that most of the game is soooo easy until you get to the 90 th race that you will start screaming and swearing at the freaking game. Lets get back to the game play shall we. So you have your car you've accomplished your first tournament, you go back to your garage, upgrade it and guess what, its gonna be like that for the rest of the game. Now for the racing, you will be asking yourself for half of the game if you've already did that race before. Well yes you did because you don't have many tracks to race on even though there are five different racing types to play with. Including: Lap knockout; Circuit; Drag; Drift and Sprint. Even though you can use the nitrous to get yourself out of a fickle, after you've used it for about 5 times you'll realise that it slows you down instead of making you go faster. It's like everytime I would do it, i'd realise that the racers behind me are getting closer and closer than even when I wouldin't press the nitrous button. But you can still play multiplayer with friends or a brother, but even then you'll get bored after a couple of races since there isn't alot to do in the game. If you're a first time player of NFS games you will get some fun out of this but for the rest you can start another burnout profile or maybe rent it for a couple of days just to kill some time.