Old fashioned ( really, really old fashioned ) fun shows that racing games don't need to be realistic to be enjoyed

User Rating: 7.5 | Need for Speed World PC
After reading many of the reviews on Gamespot I was not impressed at all, but one bored night after work I decided to download it and see how bad it really was. After twenty minutes I discovered the game wasn't that bad at all! The game is really old-school, and somewhat corny, but thats not all bad. To put it simply it's more like playing in an action movie, not realistic but fun as h*ll. Going 140 mph while being chased by 16 cops gets old but is fun for the first 1/2 hour. And I don't care if you can only go to level 10 before buying THIS GAME IS NOT A TRIAL!!! But this game has some serious faults. One of which is the god awful lag which occurs in nearly every race. As you drive smoothly, the other players skip and jump across the road like grasshoppers! The physics ( like someone stated before ) is like a 90's game ( ahhhh nostalgia! :) ) But hopefully if EA gets on the ball they could iron out the issues. So thats the game in a nutshell, mostly laggy multiplayer and awesome police chases.