A great game, but it's nothing I haven't seen before.

User Rating: 7.5 | Need for Speed World PC
Black Box decides to take it up (or down, depending on your internet connection) to the next level by releasing a huge multiplayer racing game that can be downloaded for free! Originally, the game required you to purchase the game if you wanted to go past level 10, but because over 1 million people have registered for the game, they decided to keep it free for all. The Controls for the game are pretty basic, Up to speed, down to brake, and if you want to win, go a little faster. It probably wont support any joysticks or special gizmo that you own, but it wont be necessary as it is pretty easy to learn the game.

Try not to be too amazed though, the game recycles the maps from Need For Speed Carbon, and Most Wanted, however by developing new race tracks to keep it interesting. Currently, I have not run across any Drag of Drift races so I won't be too surprised if there is any. The game also gets really repetitive as you have to constantly race tracks in order to rise levels. The police chases aren't very addicting either. In the end, this game is a perfect way to patiently wait for the next Need For Speed game due soon (or you could just play the new Call of Duty Game). If you do play this game, make sure you have THE BEST connection ever, or else....