This game started on a solid 7/10 for me, lots of work was put in it clearly, great graphics, nice arcady gameplay with fine tunes and customizations, well executed story. Playing through the game was very chilly and easy although the world is really small but it's packed with races and events.
Two annoying bugs in this game, the first one being achievements doesn't unlock if you had connxn issues on the time of unlock and second the world sometimes takes lots of time to load although my system is good for the game, this bug isn't a big issue throughout the game since it is easy.
The big problem of the game is the prestige mode, you replay all the story races on an extremely hard difficulty just to get 2 achievements and that combined with the two bugs I mentioned above remove the entertainment factor of the game and makes it a rage fest and a very cheap way to make you play the game if you're an achievement hunter plus support seems to have abandoned it and they are not fixing bugs anymore and that is an issue I had in shift2, most wanted, and rivals had an issue in each of these games that wasn't fixed because the games were abandoned. For me there is no way in hell I would reconsider buying a new NFS.