good, but short.
it's a great idea. having a little guy play a whole bunch of pranks on a steryotype neighbor all themed to a tv show.
the first couple of missions are rediculously easy. but after a while they get a little tougher requiring timing of pranks so you can set up other pranks, setting up the same prank twice to give you more time, and purposly set off the dog or bird.
the pranks in this game are funny. zapping the neighbor with a wire, making him kick a bowling ball, tacks in his bed, replacing yoga book with knot tieing book, putting dentures in hot sauce, and many more.
some of the pranks get repeated in other levels but most of them can be used in different spots.
the graphics are actually really good.
they don't make it complicated at all. moving is just simply clicking where you want to move. to sneak you just right click. to open a door you just click on it. the only problem i have had with this game is that sometimes, even if you sneak through the door, the dog or bird will still freak out.
overall, this game is good. short and easy but still fun.