Holy crap... this game is amazing. A true work of art.
What first got me when I played this were the graphics. They were beautiful! I mean, this game has the most amazing graphics for the type of game it is. Even better was that the graphics felt so natural that when I began to dive myself into the game, I wasn't distracted by the pretty scenes and colors.
Everything about this game is groundbreaking for it's genre. It's your basic "ball and paddle," but with objectives as traversing a haunted mansion and literally blowing ghosts away and breaking paths with your ball to break open the final door is... well... takes breakout and turns it into it's own kind of game of it's own.
The "paper" levels really got me with their crazy goodness. As the player, you draw your own paddle, knock things out of the way, then finally knock out these blobs of ink that slowly trickle towards the bottom the screen. Ultimately causing you to lose a life.
Each group of levels hold their own objectives, dangers, style, etc.
This is a a truly amazing game for any fan of Arkanoid. It's the point where almost anybody would have a lot of fun with it.
"Shuffle" mode adds some good replay value to the game. You randomly play through levels of a mode, then battle a boss level of a different style.
But in then end, the true replay value comes fromt he crazy amount of defferent game modes
The only problem with the game would have to be the somewhat easiness of some of the levels once you get the hang of them. Them the hard skill involved with some of the other levels. Ultimately this game is great for long trips, a quick puzzler fix, or fun with the Arkanoid style genre. Old school and neo gamers would love this game no matter what.
Another great thing about this game is the music, as said by the gamespot review. It's hard to explain the true beauty of the tracks on this game.
There was truly a great amount of work, skill, art, and love put into this game. Ultimately creating a truly great game that shouldn't be missed.
By the looks of it, this game is starting to seem like a glass of fine wine or great art. It gets better with age and you love it the more you experience it.
This is definately of my favorite games on my DS.