A basic game that fails to deliver even considering it's at a "budget" price.
Neverend is a basic game that doesn't have a lot of flair or graphics. This would not have been a major issue but everything else in the game corners you into seeing bland texture after bland character, making it impossible to realize the game looks poorly.
You start the game as an almost anti-hero. You are a female elf thief who has had her necklace stolen as well as your group's bounty. Though the story may seem intriguing, once you see the first cut-scene, it's hard to get into the mood. It has minimal sounds and no talking and yet everyone is dancing around a campfire. Right from the get go, the game seems to have taken shortcuts just to get you to start. Not only that, but immediately after, the group leader attacks you and you have to kill him, which in no way seems plausible as another group member sits by doing nothing (or he can help you but it seems lame either way).
Fights are random on the worldmap and the enemies get stronger as you do. This is not okay because the towns and vendors do not sell higher level items as you progress in level. If you attempt to power level and get ahead of the curve, don't bother. You will soon be fighting more enemies you can handle that can kill you in one or two hits and then the next battle, you could fight wolves that will die in one hit and where you garner very few experience points.
Even the sounds in the game are non-existent almost. In battles, there are almost no weapon sounds. This is even less preferable than at least the same sword swing or the same clanging sound. But in this game, you don't even get those. Enemies rarely make sounds and it's much less enjoyable fighting against mutes. At least, when you talk to people, there are full sound bites for their speech which is okay but then some of the voice actors sound like they don't even want to be there. The game was made in Slovakia and maybe the actors are from there as well... The music is somewhat good but other than that, sounds in this game are extremely minimal.
The graphics are simply lacking in this game. The textures are poor and the character models look like 2003 graphics and that may even be a stretch. The game does run smoothly but the game crashes a lot. Playing the game for first three hours, the game crashed three times. That's one per hour and that was with the latest patch.
The game was "only" 29.99 Canadian but even at that price this game is hard to swallow. The sounds are barely there, the graphics are broke, the game is actually broke and you are losing money to purchase this game. If you're looking for classic role playing elements like a team or a good story or even half decent playability with a hint of stability, give this game a pass.