A great and engaging game that won't take off for about two months.
User Rating: 9.1 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
Lets set the record straight. If you enjoyed Neverwinter Nights 1 or either Kotor 1 or 2, this game will feel right at home. It's important to note that this game does not, nor intends to, play as fast as some other role-playing games (like WoW and/or Guild Wars). This game is designed for those interested in slowing things down and taking their time. The gameplay is unique following the D&D 3.5 ruleset in which essentially you role di vs the computer to engage a hit/miss result. If someone has no understanding of how this works, it is very similar to Kotor's roll mechanics. Armor gives roll benefits and offers bonuses based on whether you were hit and/or missed. All in all, the mechanics work out real well and screen and you never feel bogged down by them. Graphically the game boasts good and bad things. The good is the actually the environments. Great ambience and feel are given to the environments which add a lot in the way of immersion. On the downside you need the computer capable of running it. There are some minor clipping issues that a patch will fix shortly. Audio is handled fairly well with varying character voice-work thrown in. Some are annoying (which I'm sure was planned), most fit the characters really well. The best audio comes in the form of the orchestral work that went in to help creating a real epic scope when playing the game. It works really well and you'll be turning the sound up to listen to it as well. As I'm sure some are already aware of the best part of this game hasn't even been dealt with yet. That happens to be the mod community who I know will take hold of the included Toolkit and breathe life into this game for years to come. That is without question the best part of this game, longevity. Whether or not you're a returning D&D fan, or someone who just happened to take a look at this game, it is definitely worth the price of admission. Give the game 3 hours, like I did. I entered a dungeon, I thought I'd been in their for 20 minutes, it was 2 hours...