NWN1 got flamed too...

User Rating: 9 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
Well... so it's not everything we hoped for, but I am holding out my real opinion for the next 3 or so months. I bought the original NWN on the first day, too. I can tell you for a fact that all of the things that made the game so great took quite a bit of time to come around. Unfortunately, many of the same complaints about NWN2 are here again... like... wtf with the camera? How is it that the obvious and fully tracking and mouse rotatable camera system used in a variety of other mmorpgs is not the standard? You'd best have a damn good reason for deviating from that simple functionality. NWN2 didn't have a damn good reason... and it will be some time before someone comes out with a camera hack or patch to make that OK.

I hope that user mods on the interface become possible and available. I've already started looking at it.

Anyway. I think the added functionality of the toolset will win the day for this game. Yes, it does seem more complicated; no, it is not worse than the original NWN toolset. I gave Gameplay a 9 for how well they did adhering to DnD rulesets; Value and Tilt are 10's based on the potential of the toolset. I hope Obsidian starts to back the community quickly so this thing doesn't drop in the toilet and make me wrong.

My prediction: Hold on everyone... we gonna make this one great, too.