Visuals slightly improved, interaction better, dialogue much improved. Really a good game with a few technical problems

User Rating: 7.8 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
Upcoming patches can hopefully improve camera reaction. Wtih my current system, I should have more then enough to have a snappy game experience. Unfortunately, the camera can get stuck in the wrong places and screen lockups at the wrong times. It still has arms sticking through trees and some quests aren't really clear. The audio has improved but with each patch we will hopefully continue to see improvement. Game play however past these technical issues is better than the first one. More engaging interaction along with the ability to move to new sections quicker keeps the boredom at bay and the player engaged.

NWN veterans will find the new interface clunky in some places, especially the object selection without our old radial menu. Sorely missed indeed.