Finally a Real AD&D game for the hardcore rpg fan! WOWKiddies and graphic whores need not apply!

User Rating: 9.8 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
I played NWN 1 when it came out in 2002. It was the first 3D real D&D game based on the then new 3rd edition rules(I'm sorry but those console dark Alliance games aren't real D&D they are crappy dungeon siege click fest set in forgotten realms.) The game was good the Tool-set easy to use. But it didn't feel like D&D! A year latter after playing KOTOR it pronounced even more what was missing. It was the party based gameplay! Why didn't They make it like that I thought, and so I never stayed with the first game. SO when I heard about NWN2 and that it was going to be made party based, by Obsidian, who just happened to be the makers of Torment and Icewind Dale, and Fallout 2. I was hyped for this game to come out. I even took off work to get my preordered copy.(only other games I did that for were for Oblivion, and Baldur's Gate 2) Let me tell you this game is exactly what I wanted the first to be like! It has everything right in my view. Obsidian did a fantastic job with creating believable soulful NPC's which didn't surprise me, as there track record on that is the best in the business! Each NPC has backstory and are affected by your alignment and decisions. The world is believable and they did away with that awful loot system in NWN1 where every crate was openable and had gold or something in it. Come on! Your in the shady slums and beggars and whores line the streets yet every crate and barrel has gold or stuff you could sell, pathetic! Bioware seems to do that a lot. I am glad Obsidian fixed it to where now, there is believable places for treasure, like a locked dresser or desk. -----------------------------
The graphics in this game are phenomenal especially when compared to the first NWN. I am sick of hearing bad reviews from the graphic whores saying : "The graphics look HORRID! Yes the game is still interesting, but for me, bad graphics means total disappointment" a direct quote from someone else's review. How are the graphics horrid? How did super realistic graphics become more important then gameplay, story, and replayability. It's no wonder there is so many sucky games coming out that have no variety in gameplay, if all people care about is the graphics. Why are you people comparing this game to Oblivion. If they made it look like that then, it would require much higher system specs, as you people don't realize that the whole D&D rules are being run for every character and the environment. That is a lot more computation rules then TES has to deal with. Also it would limit the time it takes to make a module yourself. Part of the charm in this game is that you can build your own games. It is now just like unlimited adventures was for the goldbox series back in the early 90's, except we get multiplayer and presistant worlds now. (did you know there was an online goldbox multiplayer game called NWN? back in 1992) This game is definitely not for WOW kiddies, console players, or anyone who would rather go in to a game killing everyone. That is not what an RPG is about! You need to think about what your character would do and be able to handle the consiquences if you do something stupid. If thats not what you want go play Battlfieild 2 or one of the hundreds of mindless console games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game is an incredible work of art. The environments are all now realistically rendered and there is handcrafted details everywhere. The character development options are the best I've ever seen in a CRpg game. I was thrilled to see all them prestige classes and sub races, including my favorite planetouched! (Big Torment fan here!) The camera can be a little flaky at times, that is where the 9 comes in for graphics, not for there looks as they are great! All in all this game is a wonder to behold, and play. It has left me totally addicted which any great game should do. I highly reccomend this game to any D and D fan or any CRPG lover who has a brain to play a game like this, WOWKIDDIES , Console only players, and teenagers whose only concern is blowing things up or super hyped up graphics need not apply! We don't need you. Another thing is that this game is going to last you for years, the toolset is so robust and powerful , and plugins are being mad e all the time, that you will always be able to download a new module to play, play multiplayer with or without a live DM, or build your own game for others to enjoy. The choice is yours! Adventure, build, share, its your game to make with as you want!