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User Rating: 5.7 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
First, I have played and enjoyed both Icewind Dales and both KOTORs, as well as most good RPGs, so Im not some dumb ass kid who gives bad reviews because he doesn't know how to play. NWN 2 had me really psyched because I heard the first one was good but the graphics were outdated. I waited and got let down, and this is why:

Gameplay - This is what makes the game unplayable. The camera is slow and screwy, party members stop moving or stop fighting randomly, spell casting is unnecessary and useless, since your guy finishes casting long after the target dies and usually just injures other party members. Speech options are pretty limited, not like in KOTOR where you chose from like 6 options every time. Inventory is nothing new, not that that's really bad. So much more wrong, but you know most of it by now.

Graphics - My computer can run the game on medium settings, but it still looks like Icewind Dale I or a PSP game. I tried it on high and they do look good but worse than games have for the past 2 or 3 years.

Sound - The voice acting and background music are good, not Oblivion or LotR good, but hey.

Overall, it's not worth getting. I downloaded the demo for NWN I and thought it was a hellovah lot better, except you cant pick subraces like drow. If I had a $5000 Alienware all decked out and whatnot, then yeah, I'd prolly keep playing...prolly. I tried to like this game and even started learning the toolset, but what's the point if playing user-made mods is frustrating and shallow? I'm sure DnD fans will like it because they have kick ass imaginations (they'd have to to be able to play with paper and numbers ;) and can try to make something of this...thing.