Disable the spirit-eater crap. Truly, get rid of that, and you have a wonderful, A++ game.

User Rating: 9 | Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of The Betrayer PC
Neverwinter 'Mask' is a fantastic game, but to really enjoy it, and to have a great time playing it ... you must take my one, huge spoiler-ifique advice. DISABLE THE SPIRIT-EATER STATUS. Good lord, just enjoy this game. There is only one cheat ... ONE ... you need. (rs ka_se_terminate)! ... Once you do that one task (after you have become a spirit eater) you can play this fantastic game without the blip, blip, blip of the spirit-eater curse. If you disable it, you can still play the game in its entirety, including cases where you need to use spirit eater powers. The spirit eater stuff is the most annoying add-on to any game I have ever played. Once you get rid of it, Neverwinter 2 Mask is truly fantastic. I looked forward to this game day after day, hour after hour, right down to the finish. I love the volatile essence thing, using those pieces to really build up your armor and weapons. This isn't a buy-and-trade game. It is more about creating your stuff, picking your partners, choosing your way. 'Mask' is absolutely fantastic, minus the constantly annoying spirit-eater crap.