If you don't like this game, you're just looking for something to hate. Read further to put assumptions to rest.
But even with the experience, the responsibility to make this game amazing was still no doubt weighing heavily over their heads.
First lets just put a few odd complaints to rest that may or may not have been "whined" upon by other reviewers, shall we?
Bugs: Lately the releases we've been forced to put up with have been tedious at best, and absolutely abismal at worst. Games filled with unfinished content, and game breaking bugs that won't let you progress into the game, let alone keep your computer running, with the hard boots and complete lock up's that these virtual-devils seem to have the ability to cause. However as soon as I started NWN2 I could sort of "feel" the solidness of the game. With any computer title there are going to be certain pieces of hardware, or certain drivers that just don't like running with certain graphic settings with in a set game. This game is no acception. While I can run the game on full graphics without a single problem, I can even minimize as well as use Xfire while running the game and not a single glitch, bug, crash, or freeze has happened. Then again my friend couldn't get through the load screen until he chose to use the recommended settings, that the game chose for him, but now that he has, the game looks great and he plays without a problem at all. It seems that most people with problems just don't understand the fact that there are unlimited setups for computers. Differing hardware, differing software, different operating systems and the list of things that are changeable and have so many options to choose from are limitless. You most definitely have to have great faith and perseverence to 1. Understand this, 2. Judge it correctly without being a "douche", if I may. You're computer may not run a certain way of perfection while another (like mine) has no issues whatsoever with the game. Fact of the matter is even great developers that have not yet fallen into the nazi trends that have seen the fates of so many big companies lately, still cannot make a game run on every system setup without a patch or a driver update. It's just a simple fact that no matter how many beta tests you have on how many systems, you'll never be able to test 100 percent for compatibility with every variation of setup on a computer. This game is a very solid game, a promise you such, and Im sure any problem you have will be quickly remedied by a setting change or a driver switch/update. If all else fails scour the forums, if you don't try to find a solution, then really who's fault is it?
Gameplay: For some reason there are attacks on the general gameplay of the game. So lets first outline what the gameplay is really all about. Basically you have to think back firstly to the original game, Neverwinter Nights. You take that, add a new story, a new graphics engine, and a bit more functionality. Then you take the storytelling stylings they incorporated into the KOTOR series. The conversation scenes are remarkably the same as the style they took with Knights of the Old Republic. They even tossed in a bit of the fighting style to spruce things up. A slightly modified skill/spell system, that manages to innovate while still not straying from the D&D rules/system. This is where most reviews on the game tend to contradict themselves. By saying things like how the gameplay offers nothing new, then going back to say that the game does not offer anything for the D&D fans looking for a good RPG based around the system. Make up your mind, it's either different or it isn't, aye? Fact of the matter is, it's the same game as the first, simplified and adjusted to the modern day gamer. Traveling is different, settings are different, the entire engine is different. But at the core of the game its NWN's sequel in it's own right, and any changes that were made may not have all been an improvement but if you truly look you will be hard pressed to find a change that made the game any worse.
Toolset: It is apparent that the people criticizing this at all are looking for something along the lines of The Sims: D&D Addition or some such nonsense. Expecting simplicity to the point that any dunce with a keyboard and a monitor can make his own game is silly. It's like using Source SDK and saying you should be able to make Half-Life 3 in a couple hours. Silly. The toolset isn't your own personal video game designer. It's for people who have a taste for developement, whether it be designing worlds, writing stories, creating architecture. Or all of that together. Time is to be put into such, if you wan't a sandbox go play Sim City. After you complete the game, your gaming experience further thrives on the overwhelmingly extensive Multiplayer atmosphere. It offers you persistent worlds that give you the abiklity to play in your own mini-MMORPG. Or run through usermade quests to keep the gameplay new and appealing. The fact of teh matter is its amazing not because of how much content it offers, but because of the quality of it. The modules you receive after the fact are made by people willing to put in the time to create them, to learn to use the Toolset. If anything I would think you would all be thanking them for not making it The Sims 3, so that we're not running around in ridiculous environments that were created in 30 minutes. I and I'm sure bioware apologize to those who don't have "the time" to learn to use such, but in the end laziness is really the answer to the reason why you yourself can't create the worlds you complain that you cannot.
This is where I would continue to write my review after criticizing other's. But really, just read above and you can put two and two together, and on that note here is my decisive conclusion on the matter...
Neverwinter Nights 2 holds up its end of the deal and more. Offering the same amazing gaming experience as the first, with a more appealing visual look, as well as simplified navigation of the game as a whole. It is by far one of the better RPG's out to date, even in competition of the classics of the past. If you play through this title and are disappointed, there is truly something wrong with you.