What is this game? Not NwN 2 that's for sure.
I did write a review of NwN2, so I wouldn't want to take any time with that. You know my thoughts [by the way, if you do not, take some time to do so :)]. As I mentioned there, my view of Storm of Zehir is quite another story.
I was waiting for this expansion for a long time. Ever since the first news I could not wait to get a hold of it and finally in the end of last year, I had the chance to give it a go.
When I installed it, it changed the main menu and a few other things, and the musics. As I remember it did some enhancement on the graphics too and added some playable races too - which was kind of cool. It could have even been great.... only if it had not been an expansion to NwN2. No I guess, it's just not true.
This game would never make it to the top in my list. They have implemented some distinctly new features in this game that so much distinguishes this from the original, that it feels like a completely new game.
The high-above strategic view of the map, the strange inter-city marketing-like buy and sell add-on... the shallow story... the boring quests, and the fact that it really has nothing to do with the much renown predecessor makes this game an average, strategic-RPG-like mistake. The very fact that it was meant to bring some new things to NwN2 and in the end it ruined the whole feeling and game-structure of NWN2 and the MotB makes this game really annoying.
I still hope, that the next wave in this genre that's coming this year will soon make me forget this disappointment. I am still looking forward to Dragon Age... and I WAS to Dungeon Hero, which should have arrived in Q1... :S