Classic story. like a great novel. rewarding till the end!
the story is absolutely awesome. after finishing the first time i felt like i read a great novel. what a story! the characters really came to life through the great voice acting, the quests and the length of the game. i only wish i could have multiclassed my companions.
character creation is the halmark of d&d. i was very impressed with the class options of this game. you can create everything from a dwarven defender(rock) to a red wizard of thay who relies on buffs and imho totally controlls the battlefield. i love playing the "squishy" who ahnillates the opponents!
ive played this game at least 4 times, im not really sure, maybe more! each time with a different build and alignment. most recently with a Pa2,So6,Ek10,Asoc2. (real easy this time).
Great game. 30+ hrs of gameplay. epic story. total customization. the only cons are: liniar story, except for side quests. no real world, world consists of locations.