Epic, best RPG ever!

User Rating: 10 | Neverwinter Nights PC
In my humble opinion this is the best RPG ever, it beats every RPG I have played since hands down and that's a long list and includes NWN2.

For me, Neverwinter Nights set the benchmark for every D&D RPG that followed. I'm still playing it and the two add-ons (SoU and HoU) 7 years later. Bioware just got everything right with this game.

Graphics were and still are amazing, well ahead of its time. This game is action packed, has a great story line, great music, superb and believable voice acting and scripts, epic spells, to die for equipment - you name it this game has it all and does it with style. It also has some adorable characters that you never forget (watch out for Deekin, he's adorable).

Of course it's a bit dated now in terms of graphics, game set rules, multi player capabilities etc, however I can't help returning to this game at least once a year like a favourite well loved book. I feel like I'm visiting my favourite haunts and catching up with old friends.

I compare every RPG that I play against this one, none have come close!