Good game but it doesn't live up to Bioware's AD&D other great role-playing games.

User Rating: 7.5 | Neverwinter Nights PC
Okay, I'm a little bit late with this review but well... ;) At the beginning of the year I finally finished this game after couple of weeks of playing. I don't know why it took me more than four years to check out "NWN" but I'm glad than even after that period I decided to play it. After absolutely brilliant "Baldur's Gate 2" alongside with "Throne of Bhaal" expansion, Bioware seemed to me as one of the greatest RPG developers. "Neverwinter Nights" is not half as good as "BG2" and in my opinion it's very overrated. It's a very good game though, but still I can't imagine it being for example on GameSpot's list of "The Greatest Games of All Time" which includes - again - Baldur's Gate 2.

The game is pretty much straightforward. Besides main plot there are of course numerous sub-quests that you don't need to do but, probably you would like to accomplish them because of xp points, unique items and things like that. The thing is that usually all you need to do is to go somewhere and hack and slash through hordes of monsters. But the greatest weakness of "NWN" is a story. There is a disease, some sort of plague in Neverwinter that slowly kills everyone in the city. And you are the one to rescue this city whether you like it or not. The whole chapter I is boring and repetitive. Real game starts from chapter II which is the longest part of the game. Your character is strong enough for some real fighting and higher level spells are starting to appear. There are at last more interesting locations like Charwood with a very nice quest. The Host Tower in Luskan is also quite entertaining place. What I especially didn't like about the whole story is that in every chapter the game starts in some way from the beginning. I mean that the first chapter is about rescuing Neverwinter, chapter II about something else, in chapter III your main goal is again completely different and you can forget about what happened in previous two chapters because they have not much to do with current story. And chapter IV is actually only couple of fights leading to the finale. The story seems to be about nothing and it's just a pretext for neverending battles. Perhaps the only interesting puzzle in the game is in the Creator ruins in chapter three however, it is still rather too simple and obvious.

Ok, enough of complaining. "Neverwinter Nights" is not a bad game after all. Combat is that element of the game that can keep you in front of PC for long hours. Difficulty level is just right. I love these battles that at the first try seem to be impossible to win, but after couple of times playing them you are starting to see things different, you change your tactics and finally you beat the guts out of your opponent. The good thing in "NWN" is also that it's a single person journey. You can have at most one more NPC companion and one summoned creature. Due to this you gain experience levels faster, so the path from a rookie to a tough character is not very long.

Graphics, sound and all technical stuff is at very nice level for a five-year-old game. There's not much to talk about, just look at some screens.

"Neverwinter Nights" disappointed me a little although, it's a game definitely worth playing that can be recommended for every cRPG enthusiast as myself.