Still the best multiplayer RPG! Nowdays we are swarmed by MMORPG's but the most in-depth experience is this one!

User Rating: 10 | Neverwinter Nights PC
I have been playing (and building some) for this game the last 10 years so when I had to choose how many hours I had played it, 10, 20, 40 or 100 and more...that was pretty silly.

Only about 10% of thoose who bought the game tried it in multiplayer. As I am one of thoose that ONLY played the multiplayer part of it I must say that they don't know what they where missing. Although I think as time progressed the percentage is probably a bit higher.

That was a little background so that you know how I am approaching this game.

Well...what can I say...I am "just a little" biased here hehe. I know it is not very constructive....but this is the best ever! Tired of looking for another childish MMORPG with too much action instead of great D&D atmosphere...look no further!

The persistent world server as they are called are usually created by teams of players and you will find the most of them very professionally made. They are very diverce and this is both the strength and weakness of them.

Jump in and give it a go! This old game still has the potential to suck in unexpecting players into a world of fantasy and roleplaying!