although i do love tangrams, i don't think that this ds game is creative or original in any way.
with over five hundred puzzles to solve, it's going to take a while before you finish this game. granted, each puzzle doesn't really take up a lot of time, but you wouldn't really want to play this game for more than thirty minutes, anyway. while the puzzles are engaging and enjoyable, the game as a whole lacks flair and presentation. the whole what-you-see-is-what-you-get schtick gets boring really fast.
basically (for people who aren't familiar with tangrams), the object of each puzzle is to form a specific larger shape using seven given smaller shapes. the seven shapes stay constant throughout the whole game, and the larger shapes are shown in silhouette. as a child, i had a wooden tangram set that i played with during long car and plane rides. it's really very entertaining if you like deceptively simple puzzles.
i'm giving neves a 6/10. although i do love tangrams, i don't think that this ds game is creative or original in any way. -2 for presentation and -2 for not utilizing the unique nintendo ds features adequately.
(originally posted on my blog: