Mario, making his cameo on the Wii U.
However, you must understand that nothing is too new about this Mario either. Sure the graphics are pretty, but compared to previous installments, not much has changed. Your powers are the same, the objective is the same, and the gameplay is pretty much unchanged.
This doesn't mean you won't have fun. The game is very much enjoyable, providing hours of entertainment, and proves itself as a worthy Mario successor. This is a launch title that few should ignore, and one that few have ignored. The game is worth playing, and will surely bring in a new generation of Mario fans.
O, did I mention that you don't have to have a TV to play it? The game plays amazingly well on the Wii U gamepad alone. The controls are extremely responsive, the graphics still great (though they do suffer some), and the sound transfers over smoothly. This allows you to play the game while letting others watch the news, or just play while lying in bed.
Graphics: 9/10 - Decent, but does suffer on the gamepad.
Sound: 8/10 - Lots of reused sound, plus hearing "Mario Time!" 100 times gets old.
Controls: 9.5/10 - Smooth for the most part, but picking up frozen mobs can be a hassle.
Enjoyment: 8/10 - May get stale after a few hours of gameplay, not much added to mix up the levels/zones.
Overall: 8.5/10 - Mario Time!