This game gives you a great single player experience, and when you're finished try the crazy multiplayer!
The multiplayer does not dominate the game, you don't always have to play in multiplayer and using the single player option in story mode is a better idea, espicially if you don't want to be pushed off a tiny platform by 3 other people already on it. Multiplayer is fun, but it is chaotic when you have 3 or 4 people on the screen. If you are playing 2 player it is normally fine, espicially if you're playing with a Mario Bros. Veteran. Free Mode and Coin Battle are more suited to the multiplayer options.
This game is extremely difficult for newcomers after the first and second worlds, even Veterans of the classic Mario games have an enormous challenge waiting for them. The new powerups are great, the propeller powerup probably the most fun. All the boss battles are also unique, not just the usual, bop on the head 3 times boringness.
The Super Guide is a great feature, but most gamers should be able to get past the level before they need it. It is a great option that helps new gamers starting a Mario Bros., 2D game for the first time.
There are some bad points about the game though. Multiplayer with 4 people can be chaotic, it is best suited to free-play and coin battles just for fun. Yoshi is only in very few levels, and the game can be short for advanced gamers.
Gameplay: 10/10
Replay Value:9/10
Overall Score: 9/10