The Old Song and Dance that makes Nintendo the great company that it is, the return of one of the greatest series in 2D!
Graphics: 10
The graphics are phenomenal and great looking, using the 3D style of art and placing it in 2D makes it the most greatest games for the Wii, giving Nintendo some utmost recognition from last year's November release [WiiMusic] and giving Mario 2D fans what they want.
Sound: 9
The music is very great but if you have heard this from NSMB on the DS, then it is not that new, however, some of the new music has given it great nostalgia from the past.
Gameplay: 10
NSMBW has given the ability to play just like old school SMB games like the NES games of old. However, if you still have that idealist SNES Style in your heart, this will be a disappointment for you because it does not have Classic Controller compatibility, but then again, if your are an old school hardcore gamer, you only need TWO buttons! Although you may need to learn to use the Wiimote for different things, all you really need is 1 and 2.
Fun Factor: 10
New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a fun game to play on your own and for the first time in ANY Mario Platform game, 4 Players simultaneously! However if you like to take turns this may not be good for you and this may not be good if you don't like to be last, but it's really good to have more friends so you can play and beat the game and it gives good replay time.
Overall: 10
New Super Mario Bros Wii, is good for young, and the young-at-heart who has played Super Mario Bros since it's introduction in 1985. If this isn't your cup of tea, don't worry, not everything for Wii is for those who hate these kind of games, but if you miss the old school gaming of SMB and want to relive it on a new system, this IS the game for you.