While this game does a considerable amount right "Just because u can doesn't mean u should"

User Rating: 7.5 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
Yes the bros are back and looking better than ever-unless u have a HD tv, in which case i suggest emulatind the old NES version if u want graphics. Yes after playing this game and actually turning on my wii on the HD for a long timespan I realised that compared 2 my 360 it was AWFUL and BLURRY. Turns out the wii only has 480p (SD suited) rather than the 360 1080i. So this detracted from the experience.

But onto actual gameplay etc. OK so if u came 4 plot-go home NOW. but this is mario we don't need plot right? Peach was stolen from her castle and people chase her through a few themed worlds and a few bosses. However screwing the plot - this IS nintendo, look @ gameplay.

Same sort of mechanics, and hold the remote sideways for a retro feel. This does cause issues as the d-pad on the wii-mote is not suited for constant pressing, more for shortcuts like Zelda:TP or Metroid Prime. This does make the controls feel stuborn and brick-like. Another quirk is the motion input: these really put u off, and some feel like they were taped on due to the remotes lack of buttons. I would have a happier experience without these - you know "oldschool" style... Yes "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Multiplayer. NO. NONONO! this experience is a stressful one to say the least.
u and ur friends (siblings and arch-enemies can play 2) play thru a campaign together that ends up being annoying. Your friends can jump on you causing your character to flinch and duck and can put you off. you have also got your invinsibility bubble which can giv u invincibility until you shake your wii-mote hard enough for your friend to touch it.

The bubble that is.

SO goods and gripes

-Long campaign, with more replayablitity
-nice graphics - if on SD
-Controls WORK - mostly
-Compeditive multiplayer is a good laugh

-Motion controls
-Co-op sucks BLATANTLY
-Not anything huge and new
-Really would have loved the MarioVSLuigi DS gametype-that was briliant

So i love it more than i hate it, but in all it's a pretty good platformer. So if ur a wii SD tv owner i really do recommend this game