This is a great title very similar to Super Mario 3 but the single players feels a little too empty.
It's a Mario title on the Wii, so naturally it isn't going to be anything that is realistic, but instead it is an improvement on the older side scrolling graphics from the NES. I also with that the different worlds were more fun and visually appealing, they were all pretty well unique and all but also still seemed a bit too similar and didn't really stand out from one another.
Controls just as simple as ever with the two buttons to press. If you are familiar with the originals then the only real difference is the ability to shake your controller to do a few things, like pick up items or a spin move. But sometimes this can be a little bit too sensitive and you will spin when you really don't want to.
Simple and fun, a little to easy and appealing to the younger crowd as I have stated, but it is an overall solid, and enjoyable experience.
SOUND: 8.6
The sound effects were pretty much what you would expect (and that is a good thing). But the music was fairly lacking and unmemorable.
You do what Mario always does, don't even worry about it.
This is a definite party game that you can enjoy with friends and family, don't take it to seriously and just enjoy the times when you are the only one that made it on a platform while the rest fell in the lava and you can find yourself having a blast with minimal effort involved.
FINAL: 9.0