A classic sidescrolling Mario bros game with cool new features to play it alongside with friends adding more to the fun!

User Rating: 9.5 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
I love Mario bros games they're a classic, I used to play them since I was a baby as this game came out I knew I had to have it.

Similar worlds so I know sort of what happens, same story Peach gets kidnapped again by Bower. However this game adds a lot to the nostalgia since the forgotten Koopalings return, this is grand news for me.

Single player is fun and I like the new power ups which add new experiences with the wii mote, my favorite power up is that helicopter hat. Yoshi also returns which is a great idea, I love the nostalgia in this game.

However my favorite part is the multiplayer! You can play the story and still have a buddy play along side you. They replaced the turn by turn feature and remade it to this which in my opinion is the best thing they have done.

It sort of reminds me of the brawl multiplayer story mode except this one is actually fun. The stages are amazingly fun and so are the bosses, I haven't finished this game and so I can say the length is just right. There are like 8 worlds.

The only negative thing I can think about are the character selection although I love Mario and Luigi they could have replaced one Toad for somebody else, that is the only negative thing I find about this game but its not significant enough as to prevent me from enjoying it.