2-d platformer+practice=A enjoyable platformer worth your while.
User Rating: 8 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
After a mario 2-d platformers absence for 18 years, Mario comes back with updated graphics and more gameplay ideas. The graphics of NSMBW are astounding. the controls and gameplay may seem a little cheap but that is almost offset by super guide. You do not NEED to accept the help when you need to. The gameplay at first might frustrate you but with about a day or 2 of practice you will be beating world 1 before you know it. When you get into the later levels though, you may get frustrated (again) and practice for a while. The new multiplayer can make you create rivalries with your family and friends no time. The free for all mode (must have 2 players) can be fun if you know what you are doing. The coin battle mode is strategy with a little luck and concentration. The ability to play as Yoshi in some levels is fun, but it provoke you from using your costumes power-up. The three new suits ( ice flower, propellor, and penguin suits.) are fun too play in. The propellor suit allows you to fly straight upward with a flick of the wii remote. The penguin suit lets you belly slide on rare stretches of ice and shoot ice balls at enemies. While the Ice flower suit lets you just shoot ice balls to freeze enemies (using the one button on wii remote.) This game may be expensive to buy but you will not regret the purchase since the day YOU buy it.