New Super Mario Bros is a fun platformer that is reminiscent of the old Mario games.

User Rating: 9 | New Super Mario Bros. DS
New Super Mario Bros seem like the same old Mario Bros game, and it is, but with heaps of new things and levels to unlock. It follows the same story of Princess Peach getting kidnapped by Baby Bowser (this time) and you have to beat bosses in each of the castles. All of the levels are new, and there are 8 worlds to unlock and play through. The game scroll to the right as usual, and all the old monsters are there, with a number of new ones as well. The idea of the game is basically the same, but there are many extra things to do. For example, there are 3 Star Coins on each level to collect in hard to reach places. There are also some new versions of Mario (and Luigi). There is the Koopa Mario and Mini Mario, with the same old Super Mario, Fire Mario and Invincible Mario from a Star.

The game Visuals are really good, there are no glitches and everything look great. The sound is really good, with a variety of different songs. The gameplay is especially good, with the control of Mario being the biggest part.

Overall, New Super Mario Bros is a really fun game with lots to do and unlock, that will last for hours and hours of continuous play.