New School Fun with Old School Feel

User Rating: 9.5 | New Super Mario Bros. DS
Simply put, this is the best new classic game around, and the best description in one word would be FUN. What does that mean? Anyone that has learned the ancient art of blowing on cartridges or had their Zelda game erased from the rapid resetting of an unruly system knows what old-skool feels like. That's not to say that those not growing up in those times cannot experience that classic feel (especially with the Wii's downloadable content to come). That being said, New Super Mario Bros. can create it here and now.

This game has many new and improved gaming mechanics while staying true to old roots--but not "Too True". While walking the line between nostalgia and annoying can be fine, this title plays jump-rope with it, staying ahead with every pounce. From the side-scrolling wonder, to the old castles and flags at the end of stages, with a toss of new moves and a super-sizing mushroom--they did it right. The sound flows with things and keeps you interested in this plain old FUN game.

Of course, I could criticize. The world 1 music is deffinately not to my taste at least, and the touchscreen is ill used (this could be for better or worse, depending on your own feelings). It's not overly difficult overall, but keeps you interested. It would have been nice to play as Luigi in single player as well.

Overall this is a great buy for a DS owner, especially if you have a feel for the old without being drowned by it. Highly recommended.