Fantastic Revamped version of the old Super Mario Bros., But with new features.
My Review will be Split up into categories for easy reading,
New Super Mario Bros. takes the essential elements from the original (Peach is Kidnapped by Bowser, Mario to the Rescue etc.) and adds new features- such as Wall jumping (Possibly the life saver of all of them), wall sliding, ground pound etc. The Result! er.. NEW Super Mario bros. This Game is an Instant classic! although there are a few niggles I must mention. You Can't save anywhere you want for a start, only after you beat a castle, tower, unlock a toadhouse or secret level or Complete the game. And also, the multitude of bosses is Okay, but after beating each boss, I want to see a toad saying " Thankyou Mario, But our Princess is in another castle!". Apart from that, Gameplay = Near Perfect. 9/10
2.5D Sprites, also Crisp Clean, Shoot the Ratings up here. Perfect. No Glitching. 10/10
New Songs for each level, classic sounds recreated again, boost up the ratings, but It misses the Classic Mario Bros. Overworld Theme from the Original. 9/10
Great Value, but after beating the game, there is not much to unlock.
I beat the game RIGHT before typing this ^^ 10/10