,,,-.-,- not the best game but quite diff ,..-,-,-

User Rating: 7 | New World Order PC
the alarm went of it was new world order,,

whe n i first bought this game or downloaded it i though for the Frkicng Pc;),it was simply clever Fantastic,,fantastico,,Yyes;)

,,ooh well,,lets go,,lets give this a try,, i though,,it was kinda like CS,,aka counter-strike;)(

the outcome was a mixed taste in my mouth,,game too all sorts of directions,,was it a tactical game,,was it cs,,was it swat 4,,hostage rescue,,

with beaitful landscape,,areas,,levels,,with kind of bad textures,,colors and sprites but it worked,,yeah ;D

was it al previous,,mentioned,,yea it was,,

only more slower and dull and a little cheat,,

but also fun and very diff,,,,,,

its was all about bring that ,,come back,,rescue,,take orders and commands,,yeah;D;)

camera a little awkward at first,,but u got the hang on it,,

comands,,voices etc,,was very good;)

,,playing with bots superb;),,and singelpalyer superb,,options,,sounds,,and say atleast Music;),

^^ it was a new world order,,indeed it was,, ^^

hf,,end of log;p;) ;D,,