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Game Night: Halo ODST happens this Tuesday starting at 4:30pm PT
Today on the Spot PC Giveaway Delayed
Member Spotlight: Brianfox1
Last week we mentioned that the member spotlight would be chosen based on the GameSpot Answers statistics. This week's member spotlight goes to Brianfox1 for having the highest GameSpot Answers rank of gold. Brianfox1 has been a registrant for over a year now, and judging by his game collection, he is a fan of the Nintendo game platforms.
User Videos
Homemade Resident Evil by Drumtasticnick. A short film dedicated to the game.
Scribblenauts Video Review by k_smoove. A funny video review about what stinks about the game.
User Reviews
Folklore (PS3) AzelKosMos
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements (X360) celtic1962
Duke Nuclear Winter (PC) ChristianKiss
Shining in the Darkness (Genesis) 3KindgomsRandy
Zombie Apocalypse (X360) dracula_16
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (DS) Azghouls
The Adventures of Cookie & Cream (PS2) ebbderelict
Castle Crashers (X360) zh666
Randomness Teh Awesome
Blog Bunker
What happened to Sonic the Hedgehog? Charization
Uncharted 2: Multiplayer Demo Impressions canana
Old School Gamer Chronicles 8 - Red Baron (1990) Talonfire
The Promise of Portable Gaming Safad0
Criteria for playing a game jeroentje001
What universe or "setting" for a game attracts you? bowlingotter
When luck surpasses strategy in a game ChristianKiss
Game Heroes: Kratos Out of the Picture PSFreak1
Staff Fingerprints
Professor Layton to the rescue by Laura Jenner (GSUK)
Misc. Drawer
- TheHotSpot emblem winners: Wednesdaylad43, Salami5000 and Stephenage
- Battlefield Heroes Game Night MVP: Tee-3
Tip of the Week
GameSpot and GameFAQs members have the opportunity to ask questions and answer them by going to any GameSpace on the site. If you have a question about a game, do a search for it and ask the question. Some answers are already available for popular games. For example, dropping by the Fallout 3 page and click on the answers page to find information about bosses, quests, puzzles, items, levels, plot, strategy, technical assistance and much more!
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com
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