Weekly Report: DLC Rating & User Reviews!
Community News - downloadable content and more!
DLC GameSpaces
We've recently started creating gamespaces for major pieces of downloadable content and, going forward, we plan to review many of them. Regardless of whether or not we've reviewed a piece of DLC, once the gamespace is created and the DLC is released, you'll have an opportunity to post your own reviews and ratings for the new content. We don't have a gamespace for every single piece of DLC that's released (we won't have one for Oblivion's horse armor or Street Fighter IV's costume packs, for example), and that's unlikely to change anytime soon. DLC will be more prominently featured on GameSpot in the future though, and you can find our coverage of DLC like Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta or Red Faction: Guerrilla: Demons of the Badlands by searching either for the title of the DLC or the title of the parent game. For example, if you search for Fallout 3 you can then scroll down the page and find links to the game's add-ons.
New Emblem!
We have a new Screenshot Captions emblem that will be granted to a user with the best caption for the week. The first person to receive the emblem is Peter_Cheek for his Tekken 6 caption.
Game Night - Quake Live
Starting at 4pm PT on Tuesday, August 18th, we should be playing at least until 7:30pm PT. Drop by the FAQ .
All Time Greatest Game Heroes
The current voting among the 24 entrants ends on August 25th. Once you have voted, drop by the ATG forum.
User Video uploads down
Staff are aware of the problem. I am skipping featured videos section for the week.
Member Spotlight: Samson089
This week's member spotlight goes to Samson089 for creating a review about the different kind of game demos available to those of you who are hesitant in purchasing a game without a little hands on gameplay! He gives a thorough process on the different kinds of demos. Here's an excerpt:
"…most developers offer three types of demos. One is made of the most choice slices of the game, the second is made up of the first 15 or so minutes of actual game play and the third is the Limited demo. All of them have their own unique pitfalls…"
User Reviews
ARMA II - Jedo
Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta - dark_being
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines - Platyphyllum
Codename: Nina - Global Terrorism Strike Force - Azghouls
Alien Shooter: Vengeance – Cunhao
Xbox 360
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - AK_the_Twilight
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - celtic1962
Splosion Man - dracula_16
The Last Remnant – Soulreavercross
Zoids Assault - zh666
Wii Sports Resort - JustPlainLucas
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 - Garrison_Ford
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride – WAIW
Tales of Hearts - ShadowLaguna
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - SemiMaster
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Domstercool
Legacy Consoles
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GC) AzelKosMos
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) xboxrulze
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) bluej33
Project: Snowblind (PS2) ebbderelict
Randomness Teh Awesome
Forum Trenches
- SkylinePigeon (ATG Forum) asks who the real hero is - Wander, or AGRO? Game spoilers included
- msudude211 (ATG Forum) posts some hints about the upcoming All Time Game Heroe emblems.
- Lalucar (SW Forum) believes that PS3 is the Xbox of this Gen while 360 is the PS2 of this Gen. He definitely has an interesting reasoning behind his thoughts.
Blog Bunker
- wonderboy_46 posted his Uncharted movie cast
- GameBlender has a top 5 gaming grandfathers list
- Talonfire revisits Fallout (1997)
- Raikoh_tells her story about the digital representation dilemma
- evrdayblues describes the difference between franchises and series
- c_rake asks the question on whether or not reviewers need to play the game until the end to give a fair evaluation.
- The SonicSpot Union recently had a new trivia challenge. The SonicSpot Trivia Challenge offered a way for GameSpot users to test their knowledge about the sonic series. Drop by their union for future activities.
Misc. Drawer
- The Firestarter emblem is being re-purposed! We'll share more details in the coming weeks.
- Last week's Gears of War 2 game night MVP went to Bigboss232.
Tip of the Week
SkylinePigeon, our moderator of the month, wrote a helpful guide about how to be respectful. In brief!
1. Always be open to ideas other than your own.
2. Read the other person's opinion carefully.
3. Opinions can make us angry!
4. Report abuse and ignore.
5. Keep the discussion on the topic.
6. Understand a person's reasoning behind their post.
7. Use I believe & I think phrases.
Be sure to read through the article for the reason behind each one!
Until next week!
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com
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