Weekly Report: I want my emblem!
Community News - The gamespace video page layout was recently updated.
- Site Change: The gamespace video page layout was recently updated. You can also expect to see the latest files filtered by default. [example]
- Event coverage: Resident Evil 5 Launch Party
- Emblem Activity: Reader's choice emblem was awarded to individuals last Friday. However, we plan to have another window opened next week for those of you who missed out on the first reporting thread. [details]
- Emblem Award: Two lucky UK GameSpotters received the Soothsayer emblem for correctly predicting at least three winners during the live coverage of the BAFTA videogame awards.
- Game Night: Since the union was established a variety of users have been helping out to get the union situated. I plan to bring out a schedule some time this week. We'll send out a telegram in the union once game nights return. You can also expect a notice in the weekly community report. [union]
- Future Site Change: There is still some time left to submit feedback about the upcoming image viewer found in gamespaces. [details]
- GameSpot UK Halo Wars giveaway for a limited edition Halo Wars Xbox 360 console system ends on March 27th. UK residents age 18 or older are eligible to enter. [details]
Member Spotlight
This week's member spotlight goes to AnelZukic for creating a blog about the future of gaming consoles. For being an early 2008 registrant, he's an active blog poster worth tracking. In his recent blog entitled ReFuture – One conole provides his thoughts about future consoles and a rumor about a single gaming platform. What would a single console system be called by media? Uniconsole? Consolekiller? Check his blog for the scoop!
User Reviews
Below is this week's activity from the top 100 and 500 reviewers list.
- Assault Heroes 2 (360) bacchus2
- Braid (360) Garrison_Ford
- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) zh666
- Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (PC) chandu83
- Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS) Shinno441
- Star Control II (PC) Aberinkulas
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) doctor_kaz
Featured Videos
- LegendofNerd's NDR: MadWorld/LoN Owned is a video about him predicting the wrong GameSpot review score.
- UpInFlames' La Valse d'Amelie is a gameplay video featuring the Flower game.
Honorable mentions: EarthThatWas has video about skydiving while canana posted a video review of Manhunt.
Randomness teh awesome
- dtujd2 asks if GTA has a bigger impact on gaming than Super Mario Bros?
- polsci1503 has posted a first look at Resident Evil 5.
- The HotSpot homework emblem was handed out to rhombusmaniac and masterthehero.
- Soulreavercross recently entered what he calls the GameSpot cursed level also known as Big Smoke. Look how spooky his profile looked at level 0!
- VixDiesel has shown off her gorgeous looking cat in a recent blog about the Game cat making a return.
- Flame's Galaxy has a new question and answer spotlight dedicated to Msudude211. If you are interested in getting to know him more, stop by this thread.
Union Activity
Katiff is looking for a new Leader to take over his leadership role in the World of Warcraft players union . The union has nearly 1300 members and it continues to grow. If you are interested in the role, PM him that you're interested in this role.
Tip of the Week
This week's tip is for those of you who have not tried out the game list feature in your GameSpot profile. Here is how it works.
1. Do a search for a game of your choice and click on the appropriate platform.
2. Click Add Game link found under the game title on the gamespace page. [example]
3. The pop-up will display four options as follows:
- Add to My Tracked List
Tracking List is a good option if you want updated about your favorite games or game series.
- Add to My Collection
My Collections list is a good way for you to track what you own and some people have used it for a list of what they have rented. Shh, don't tell anyone I said that.
- Add to My Now Playing List
Some people forget about what they have listed as now playing. If you think you notice that you cannot stop thinking about a specific game, add it to your play list. You are bound to continue to play it off and on for the next month or so.
When it is time to edit your game list, drop by the Game Lists link in your profile. Some of the changes include sorting by platform, move to another category and delete game from your game list.
Until next week!
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com
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