Weekly Report: taterTOTS?
Community News - what could taterTOTS mean?
As many of you know from watching my video, I was investigating (or some would say snooping) to find some answers about the format changes to the On the Spot broadcast. The only clue I found was TOTS. Not many days later, there was a 'previously OTS video' posted with a return date of February 23rd at 3:30pm PT. Notice that date and time as well? Lastly, Ryan Mac Donald also posted a blog about the history of OTS and also hinted about being in the mood for tater TOTS? That's all I have for now. If there are any other details I'll be sure to let you know through the Spam Filter.
Here is this week's report!
- The Reader's Choice Awards ended mid last week. The results can be found on any of the subcategory pages of the Best of 2008 feature Additionally, those who voted on multiple subcategories will receive an emblem some time in the next week. Thanks for participating!
- DownLOADED is a new blog about files uploaded on the site. The news blog will feature the top download of the week, indie games spotlight and a weekly wrap of files that were uploaded on the site.
- Community Game Night should be making a return very soon. Kevin recently posted a request for help from the community. We have received a variety of emails from many of you offering to help out. We will follow-up once we have figured out game plan.
Member Spotlight
This week's member spotlight goes to TreyoftheDead for his blog entitled, 'How dare you have fun with that game!' He talks about his childhood experience with fun games and leads up to today's games. One of the questions asked was about how much we no longer notice the fun factor in games. We also have a bonus because Treyofthedead's avatar reminds us to mark our calendars for the upcoming Watchmen film!
Honorable mentions! Elk goes back through time with his blog about retro games; canana gives us a regional look at the real plague in the gaming industry; lastly, vonstalhein reminds us about the invisible walls found in games.
User Reviews
Below is this week's activity from the top 100 and 500 reviewers list.
- The Bouncer (PS2) by grafkhun
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) by LOLhahaDEAD
- SAS: Secure Tomorrow (PC) by Azghouls
- Flower (PS3) by LiK
Be sure to give these reviews a thumbs up or down if they have helped you.
Featured Videos
- Fear 2 Project Origin Video Review by makchady. An excellent review worth viewing.
- Zombies! - Whispers In the Dark by DeathByControl. The video displays a variety of games that have zombies in it.
Randomness teh awesome
- The HotSpot homework emblem was given to bobbydazzler87.
- Off-Topic Thread Alert! Big cats were examined (56k peril!) displays a detailed study of four majestic animals. Did you know that "tigers feed on sand and snow, but never both at the same time"? Or that the mane of a lion "bears a special secret power"? If you didn't, then this thread is for you. Thanks to Hungry_bunny for the tip.
- Have any random suggestions of well thought out discussion posts? PM JodyR with the subject title random teh awesome suggestion.
Union Activities
Not much reported this week. Be sure to post any activities in the Union Recruitment sticky thread.
- Soccer Addict Union has a football wars feature that allows members of the Union to take part in a poll. This week they put two strikers from recent past.
Tip of the Week
This week's tip will help you keep your community activity on the site completely under your control. We occasionally will come across reports from users who make the assumption that they are being harassed on the site. If you believe that you're being harassed or someone naturally ends up in every post you have on the site consider these tips!
REPORT & IGNORE! You cannot claim that you are being harassed if you are responding to the user causing the harassment. Report the violations if the user is flaming or trolling in your blog, comments or forum posts that you are a part of. Avoid answering any questions or forum posts they have directed towards you. If the harassing user figures out what buttons to push he or she will figure out how to get you to break the rules and they will report you for flaming or trolling them.
TRACKING YOU? People who follow or track you may only be fans of your contributions such as writing style in your reviews, user videos or they find your ideas of interest when you post blogs. Maybe they noticed you had the same game in your collections or that you are playing the same games as them. Either way, users who track other users have the right to do so. This is why we keep FRIENDS and TRACKING separate on GameSpot. If you do not want random people watching your contributions such as blogs and forum posting, set your preferences to allow only your friends to view your profile. To do this go to your preferences and click on Site Settings. We have two settings you can change:
- Who can see my profile and see my site contributions in the mini-feed
- Who can see my blog postings:
Mark both of them with 'friends only'.
Note: If you track a user and they track you back they are considered your friend. Make sure the user who is harassing you is not being tracked.
PRIVATE MESSAGING - If there is a user that continues to send you annoying private messages that may not violate the rules, click the IGNORE USER link. If the user is flaming or trolling you through the private messages click to report the offensive message link to report the message as abuse.
Until next week!
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com
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