Do you want an almost perfect, fast paced, and free FPS? Enter Nexuiz.

User Rating: 8.9 | Nexuiz PC
Version at the time of review: 2.3

Nexuiz, the free FPS (first-person shooter) deathmatch game that's incredibly fast and based off a modified Quake engine. Like in any game in the FPS genre, the main premise of the game is killing enemies while trying not to get killed yourself, with added game modes like Capture the Flag.

Let's face it: Nexuiz is fast. It's one of the fastest shooters out there. You enter Nexuiz to find that you must get used to the speed that your character moves at, and when you leave to play a different FPS you find that you probably move along at a sluggish pace, but can win the match with ease. Not so in Nexuiz. In the new Campaign mode, there are 20 levels to run and gun down your enemies. You explore team deathmatch and capture the flag once or twice, but the 20 campaign levels are mostly deathmatch. This is great practice for online play.

As for online play itself, it's incredibly great. There is hardly any lag, and the weapons are perfectly balanced. Although I do not know how to make new maps for the game, you will usually find them in servers you connect to. One new feature to version 2.0 is the ability to have shirt and pants colors, which can make it easy to distinguish enemies from far away, in some maps. These colors you choose also effect the colors on the weapons. For instance, if you have blue as your shirt color and red for your pants color, the top part of the Shotgun weapon will be blue, and the bottom part will be red. There are also some more subtle modifications to the weapons based off the colors as well.

Speaking of weapons, Nexuiz has a varied variety. You start with the Shotgun and an unnamed weapon that is very weak but has unlimited ammo, but you'll collect the Machine Gun, Mortar, Rocket Launcher, Electro, Nex, Crylink (my personal favorite). There are even more weapons to choose from, as well.

While the gameplay is incredibly fast and fun, the graphics come a little short in Nexuiz. If you look close at the models (which you do before you start a Campaign match), you'll notice some squared edges here and there, but nothing too horrible.

The sound could have been better, but I'm not complaining. Each weapon has a different sound (as well for it's alt-fire), but the music can get a little old after a while. Also when you die, there is a high-pitched sound indicating that you have died, if you didn't already notice.

For a free game, Nexuiz is incredibly awesome. Anyone with even a relatively high-end computer should download and play this game. Try it. It's worth your time.