Not having a "brand" name doesn't mean a game is bad. Nexus shows this clear and loud.
Nexus is a great space story, it has a deep and strong hook that will make players that like and enjoy both space sci-fi and strategy games very pleased with the general gaming capabilities within this 2 CD game package.
As probably the reader has learned, one is "Marcus Cromwell" a figure whose heritage and own achievements resulted in a near legendary status within the corporate world of the hopefully-not-so-distant future, starting on a moderate yet extremely sleek looking ship he embarks on series of job in order to help his career and the corporation he works for to become more powerful within the solar system.
Unfortunately as destiny has its hand the plans of humans are rarely important in the greater design of things.
Nexus is far more deep and more complex than just a space story, it embarks on a quest for the survival of humanity itself as other creatures within the vastness of the universe show their interest towards earth and humans and any other specie that stands on their path.
He strongest point of Nexus are its visuals, effects, sounds and voices, while its weakest points are multi-player, manual ship movement (tricky way to do but it can be done) and occasionally frame rates slowdowns while playing video scenes between stages (No idea why it happened to me, but happened always even other people never saw such slowdowns)
I still fail to understand why people keep trying to compare Nexus to homeworld, homeworld 2 and freelancer, all games are completely different in gameplay mechanics and even type of strategy games, Nexus is not an RTS whereas homeworld is, much less close to freelancer which is a 1st person shooter. Nexus is different because it actually doesn't treat you on X, Y, Z keeping your ships on the X plane of an imaginary horizon, Nexus lets you move around all 3 coordinates without any articular relevance to a single plane.
All in all, Nexus is a great game, it could have been better yes, but for the money its a good purchase, though the support website is lacking nexus is a classic sci fi for the fans of the genre.